Tuesday 25 October 2016

Nude Food @ TMPS

With health and the environment in mind, I'm starting this blog in an attempt to give students of TMPS healthy and environmentally friendly alternatives for their lunch boxes. I will post recipes and lunch box ideas that have been tried and tested. My hope is that students will join in and start posting their own ideas along with me.

For the past few years I have been running a Nude Food competition, trying to encourage students to think about what goes into their lunch boxes. Fresh, unpackaged food is always the best option, but so many lunch boxes at TMPS are filled with processed, packaged food. A Nude Food lunch box is a lunch box that does not have any wrappers or plastic wrap. Small, washable containers can be used instead of plastic wrap and sandwiches can be kept fresh in a sandwich box. And by adding a washable water bottle (filled with water) students can easily keep up their fluids throughout the day.

Keep an eye out for lots of snack, lunch and container ideas. Feel free to contact me if you have an easy to prepare, healthy and yummy idea to share.

"When children eat well they behave better, are able to listen well and concentrate for longer. Packing a healthy school lunchbox will help children to learn and play well and be happy at school." http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/national/resource/packing-school-lunchbox

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